
​​What is YOGA THERAPY?​ "The professional application of the practices and principles of yoga

 to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship." 

What does a Yoga Therapy session with Ruta look like?

Ruta meets with clients virtually to help them explore issues, beliefs and emotions about which they are seeking clarity. Yoga therapy sessions occur one-on-one and include dialogue, body sensing, breath work and guided meditation. This approach promotes exploration of how thoughts, emotions show up in the body but does not focus on the physical postures of yoga. Yoga therapy fosters deep exploration that promotes a felt sense of connection to yourself and to all of life.

Ruta's approach to working with individuals incorporates her training in the I-Rest. I-Rest is a practice of deep inquiry that has been shown to help people with anxiety, insomnia, depression and pain. To learn more , visit www.irest.org

Do you need to know how to do Yoga to benefit from Yoga Therapy?

Nope. No mat required.

Does insurance cover Yoga Therapy?

Although Ruta is a licensed mental health clinician, Yoga Therapy is a different approach to healing than traditional psychotherapy.

Yoga Therapy is not a medical treatment and is not covered by insurance.

​How much does it cost?

The fee for the Initial Evaluation (75 minutes) is $150.

The fee for Yoga Therapy sessions (50 minutes) is $100.

To schedule an Initial Evaluation, contact Ruta here. She will be happy to answer questions and email you New Client paperwork.

What is the difference between a Yoga Therapist and a Yoga Teacher?

Certified Yoga teachers are required to complete 200 hours of training.
Advanced Certified Yoga Teachers are required to complete 500 hours of training.
Certified Yoga Therapists are required to complete 1000 hours of training.

Becoming certified as a Yoga Therapist through the International Association of Yoga Therapists is a rigorous process.

To ensure that you are working with a Certified Yoga Therapist, visit https://yogatherapy.health/find-a therapist/

For more information on Yoga Therapy, please visit https://yogatherapy.health